1 Our Global Media Connections are Unsurpassed

No other Israel based strategic communications company in Israel has the international press lists of top-tier print, TV and social media that Kam Global Strategies has on file. Whether in China, India, Israel, the US, UK, France, Germany, Brussels, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Russia, Italy, Japan and throughout Africa, Kam Global Strategies gets the right information at the right time to the journalists, editors, producers and bookers that you need to get your message heard. Kam Global Strategies is more than a Public Relations shop — we utilize the principles of strategic communications, polls, focus groups and dial tests to develop the right media strategy to fit your needs.

2 Local Strategic Communications Pros on the Ground

Only Kam Global Strategies has communications and policy experts on the ground in capitals and business centers worldwide to get your messages and stories delivered. We speak the language of the media we pitch and understand the cultural nuances that will allow your messages to be heard. Our network of communications pros have longstanding media contacts that they will use for our clients. Whether in Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Hebrew or so many other languages, Kam Global Strategies understands the global market from the ground up. Our communications specialists know how to develop messages and monitor public opinion, leverage the delivery of your messages and understand the various ways to make sure your messages get through to your audience.

3 Incomparable ability to connect you to anyone in Israel

Six degrees of separation is the idea that everyone is on average approximately six steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world. In Israel, our highly networked team of communications pros and policy experts, allow our clients to be only one degree of separation away from the Israeli world of business, media and government. Our deep and longstanding relationships, which straddle Israel’s political and economic powerbase and the nations new and ever growing start-up industry allow us to connect our clients to the Israelis that can move your agenda forward.